Each year, the First Lady asks the Nobility via the Buildings and Grounds Chair to vote and
support her project. Once approved she begins to solicit donations to fund the project. She sells
t-shirts, jewelry, cookbooks, Coffee Table books, scarves, or booths for Christmas at the Alee
project or concessions at the Haunted House. All funds go to that project.
Beginning in 2010, First Lady Linda Davis generated donations to replace the gas logs
in the Woody Dyches Building.
2012, First Lady Tina Stanley made donations to the Morris Slotin Fund
2013, First Lady Pat Cooper renovated the Alee Temple Office with fresh paint and
carpet. In addition, she raised money to complete the Fez cases in the foyer displaying
Alee Unit and Club Fezzes.
2014, First Lady Sandy Brewer received donations to install an audio-visual screen and
equipment in Bill Porter’s Room and a TV in the Divan Office.
2015, First Lady Cheri began the Christmas at Alee Project to raise funds for additional
Screens and projectors in the Ballroom. The successful Christmas at Alee Project was
an effort to involve the community and expose the good works of Alee Shriners to
others. The project involved the Divan, Divan ladies, and countless others for a job well
Christmas at Alee was a fun two-day event selling
arts and crafts. We could not hold the event in 2020 due to Covid. Each First Lady continued the
event but had Lady Marlene Armstrong coordinate it.
2016, First Lady Marlene Armstrong took over as Chair for the Christmas at Alee project
for the next many years. She joined donations with First Lady Mickey Robbins to
generate enough funds to completely update the lighting controls with a state-of-the-art
program to control all the lights in the Ballroom on one panel.
2017, First Lady Mickey Robbins joined donations with First Lady Marlene Armstrong to
generate enough funds to completely update the lighting controls with a state-of-the-art
program to control all the lights in the Ballroom on one panel.
2018, First Lady LeAnne Bowie generated funds to update the sound system in the
Arena and under the patio. This update is state-of-the-art too.
2019, First Lady Tonda Donaldson utilized the funds raised at Christmas at Alee for the
Woody Dyches renovation.
2020, First Lady Laura Grayson wanted to renovate the ladies’ restrooms in the
Ballroom. Many donations of time and talent were used to update the restroom with
touchless toilets and faucets with a new paint job and ceiling grid, the restrooms were
beautiful. She also purchased some tables and lights for Woody Dyches. Unfortunately,
COVID hit, and Christmas at Alee had to be canceled. This did not stop the renovations
or stop her from raising donations. She set up a concession stand at the Haunted
House to raise money.
2021, First Lady Colleen Humphries raised funds for her First Lady’s Project to
renovate the dance floor and the bar area in the ballroom. The Nobility voted to finish
the remainder of the Ballroom floor and 2022 First Lady Donna McCutchen donated
funds towards the completion. The Effingham Shrine Club donated funds to renovate
the foyer and hallway floors. Noble Bobby Sauls completed the project, and the floors
transformed from a tired floor in the Ballroom to the beautiful floors they are currently.
2022, First Lady Donna McCutchen donated
funds towards the completion. The Effingham Shrine Club donated funds to renovate
the foyer and hallway floors. Noble Bobby Sauls completed the project, and the floors
transformed from a tired floor in the Ballroom to the beautiful floors they are currently.
2023, Lady Cookie Moore used funds from her First Lady’s Project to place fans
under the patio and finish the ceiling. Creating a beautiful area.