The Mason of the Year award is named after Ill Sir Jack L. Hepner, Potentate in 1994. He passed away in
December 2010. Illustrious Sir Jack Was very active in Masonry: 33° Scottish Rite Mason, Past
Commandery of York Rite, Past Grand Marshall and Tyler for Grand Lodge of Georgia, Trustee of
Masonic Home for First District, Chairman Advisory Council for Order of the Demolay and Order of the
Rainbows and instrumental in membership/leadership for the Alee Knights of Mecca (A Past Masters
Association). This award began in 2010 by Illustrious Sir Phil Davis. The award is given to Nobles or
Illustrious Sirs that are active and work hard in Masonry and bridge Masonry and Shrinedom.
Congratulations to all present and past Jack Hepner Mason of the Year award winners!