We are currently renting for 2024. We have events that occur annually for many years, and we schedule them prior
to opening reservation dates. When calling prior to the opening dates, we try to give each potential renter our
best guess, but the final calendar is not available until opening day, typically the 1st of August for the
following year. No guarantees until we open the calendar for rentals. Questions: Please call 912-355-2422 ext 4
Click Here For 2026 Rental Brochure
Reservations for rental space in 2026: August 1, 2025 at 9AM — PHONE CALLS ONLY. No email requests or
Once the reservation has been made the following timeline is a guide:
Once Date is requested and blocked on calendar
- Contract is typed.
- A member of Alee Shriners approves and signs the contract.
- Prior to approval, a request for a copy of the flyer/initiation may be required.
- No tickets sold at door without prior permission.
- Contracts are mailed via USPS.
- Renter has ten days to bring a deposit ($400 for Ballroom and $250 for Arena), and the signed, notarized
- Cash, Check or Charge (3% convenience fee)
- Cancellation is 60 days prior to event with written request for deposit.
One week prior to the event: The renter has up until one week prior to reserved date to make final payment to
include additional monies for final guest count, if needed.
- Leave a cash cleaning/damage deposit of $500-$1,000. This is separate from room rental. This deposit makes
sure the kitchen is clean, the trash is dumped, and the room is completely vacated by midnight. If these three
requirements are completed, you will get this deposit back.
- A layout for tables and chairs.
- A Certificate of Insurance* on file to cover all dates renting, decorating days and rehearsal — if
- Alee reserves the right to cancel and refund the deposit.
- The facility reserves the right to refuse the use of it at any time, for any reason.
- The Facilities shall not be used for any activity that advances a particular religious doctrine or any
partisan or political activity or agenda or promotes the election of any individual who has announced or has
filed for elective office.
Current pricing for 2024. All Rentals require event insurance * and a separate cleaning/damage/midnight deposit.
- Ballroom: $2,800 (first 200 people **) — Friday or Saturday
- $2,500 Sunday **
- $1,550 Monday-Thursday **
- Arena: $1,000 (up to 130 people) — Friday or Saturday
* Baseline Insurance price $132+
** Plus $1.25/person over 200
All COVID guidelines will be adhered to for rentals.